Call today for fun fitness!
You can also download our Registration Form and bring it in with you.
Flips Gymnastics & Sport, LLC Rules & Policies
My child and/or I are aware that participating in the sport of gymnastics is a potentially dangerous activity. I assume all risks on behalf of my child associated with the participation in this sport, including, but not limited to, falls, contact with other persons and other reasonable risk conditions of this sport. All such risks to my child are known & understood by me. I understand this informed consent and have read the Flips Rules & Policies, agree to their conditions on behalf of my child. With the above in mind & being fully aware of the risks & possibility of injury involved, I consent to have my child(ren) participate in the programs offered by Flips Gymnastics & Sport, LLC. I, my executors or other representatives, waive and release all rights and claims for damages that I or my child may have against Flips Gymnastics & Sport, LLC and/or its representatives whether paid or volunteer. If this account is referred to an outside collection agent or lawyer I am responsible for all additional fees.
Flips Gymnastics & Sport, LLC Rules & Policies
Registration & Tuition
Tuition is due before the first of each month. Tuition is constant regardless of the number of classes in each month. "Parent/Guardian” on this registration form is responsible for all fees for the registered child. There is a $10.00 late fee for tuition paid after the 10th of the month.
After the 2nd late payment, student must enroll in EFT to continue classes. All checks returned by the bank for any reason will be charged a $40.00 service fee. An annual registration fee of $55.00 is due upon registering, which is valid for 1 year from the date it is first paid, regardless if the child attends every month. Flips Gymnastics & Sport, LLC accepts payments by cash, check, credit card, or “Flex Fit” card. *Students with accounts that are past due will not be able to participate in class.
Missed Classes
We do not allow refunds or credits for missed classes, for any reason. Makeups are only available in tuition paying months. Flips Gymnastics & Sport, LLC reserves the right to limit class size and combine or close smaller classes. New students are welcomed at any time.
Class withdrawal
Notifying the office is required when your child is withdrawing from our program for any length of time, i.e.: one full month or permanently. We have several full classes with waiting lists, other families would like your child’s space in class. Any account left unpaid, the child will not be able to participate in class.
Observation is from Lobby only until further notice.
Entering the Gym
Gymnasts enter the gym through the bathroom/locker rooms, parents wait in the parent area only. Shoes are not permitted in the gymnastic areas. Cell phones may not be used in the gym.
Flips Gymnastics & Sport, LLC is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen items; lockers are available, please use them.
Flips Gymnastics & Sport LLC, does not require long term contracts, therefore we do not allow refunds.